Task API


Type for an explicit list of Tasks

alias of list[Task]


Type for an explicit list of task data dictionaries.

alias of List[dict]

class pab.task.Task(id_: int, strat: pab.strategy.BaseStrategy, next_at: int, repeat_every: Optional[dict] = None)

Container for a strategy to be executed in the future

RUN_ASAP: int = -10

Constant. Means job should be rescheduled to run ASAP.

RUN_NEVER: int = -20

Constant. Means job should’t be rescheduled.


Internal Task ID

strategy: pab.strategy.BaseStrategy

Strategy object

next_at: int

Next execution time as timestamp

repeat_every: dict | None

Repetition data. A dict that functions as kwargs for datetime.timedelta

last_start: int

Last execution start time as timestamp

reschedule() None

Calculates next execution if applies and calls schedule_for()

repeats() bool

True if Task has repetition data.

next_repetition_time() int

Returns next repetition time based on last_start and repeat_every.

schedule_for(next_at: int) None

Updates self.next_at for a specific time. Will disable job if value is Task.RUN_NEVER.

is_ready() bool

Returns True if job is ready to run based on next_at.

process() None

Calls _process() and handles pab.strategy.RescheduleError.

_process() None

Runs strategy and updates schedule.

class pab.task.TaskFileParser(root: pathlib.Path, blockchain: pab.blockchain.Blockchain, strategies: list[pab.strategy.BaseStrategy])

Parses a tasks file and loads a TaskList.

load() pab.task.TaskList

Loads TaskList from tasks file.

_load_tasks_json_or_exception(fhandle: TextIO) pab.task.RawTasksData

Parses TextIO input as JSON, validates and returns raw data. May raise TasksLoadError.

_validate_raw_data(data: Any) None

Validates raw tasks data format.

_create_tasklist(tasks: pab.task.RawTasksData) pab.task.TaskList

Creates a list of Task objects from raw data.

_create_strat_from_data(data: dict) pab.strategy.BaseStrategy

Creates a single Task object from raw data.

_find_strat_by_name(name: str) Optional[Callable]

Finds a strategy by name. May raise UnkownStrategyError.

exception pab.task.TasksLoadError
exception pab.task.UnkownStrategyError