
Blockchain Connection Setup

An RPC is needed for PAB to communicate with the blockchain networks. Some known RPCs with free tiers are Infura and MaticVigil.

RPC endpoint can be loaded from the PAB_CONF_ENDPOINT environment variable or from the endpoint config.

Loading Accounts

Multiple accounts can be dynamically loaded from the environment or keyfiles. All accounts can be used by any BaseStrategy child, for more info on how to use them see Accounts and Transactions.

From Environment

You can set the environment variables PAB_PK1, PAB_PK2, etc as the private keys for the accounts.

For example:

$ export PAB_PK0="0xSomePrivateKey"
$ pab run

From Keyfiles

A keyfile is a file that contains your private key, encrypted with a password. You can create a keyfile with pab create-keyfile.

You can then load them with pab run –keyfiles key1.file,key2.file. Accounts loaded through keyfiles require a one-time interactive authentication at the start of the execution.

For example, to create a keyfile and use it:

$ pab create-keyfile -o me.kf
Enter private key: 0xSomePrivateKey
Enter keyfile password:
Repeat keyfile password:
Keyfile written to 'me.kf'
$ pab run -k me.kf
Enter me.kf password:

Registering Contracts

Contracts are loaded from the contracts.json file at the project root. An example would be:

    "MYTOKEN": {
        "address": "0x12345",
        "abifile": "mytoken.abi"

In this example, you also need to create the abifile at abis/mytoken.abi with the ABI data. You need to do this for all contracts.

Strategies can then get and use this contract with self.contracts.get(“MYTOKEN”).

Configuring Tasks

Tasks are loaded from the tasks.json file at the project root. The following example defines a single task to execute, using the strategy BasicCompound that repeats every 24hs.

Multiple contract names (BNB, WBTC, PAIR, MASTERCHEF, ROUTER) are passed to the strategy as params. The strategy later uses these names to query the contracts from BaseStrategy.contracts.

        "strategy": "BasicCompound",
        "name": "Compound BNB-WBTC",
        "repeat_every": {
            "days": 1
        "params": {
            "swap_path": ["BNB", "WBTC"],
            "pair": "PAIR",
            "masterchef": "MASTERCHEF",
            "router": "ROUTER",
            "pool_id": 11

Tasks are defined as dictionaries with:

  • strategy: Class name of strategy (must be subclass of pab.strategy.BaseStrategy, see pab list-strategies)

  • name: Name, just for logging.

  • params: Dictionary with strategy parameters. (see pab list-strategies -v)

  • repeat_every: _Optional_. Dictionary with periodicity of the process, same arguments as datetime.timedelta.

Run pab list-strategies -v to see available strategies and parameters.